Wednesday, May 20, 2009


WHO's THAT WORKING ---- bigd staining some base - this is after the breakfast tortillas.
wish i was playing golf

this balloon showed up last Saturday morning, it looks as if
it's going down in the neighbors...but... minutes later he
going over the trees to the east.


Pedaling said...

the breakfast burritos went a long way!

Gram said...

Looks like you are working hard. Don't let that white skin get sunburned. Ouch!
You certainly seem to have a front row seat for balloon shows.

Jen said...

Hey there's the big guy working hard!

sandyseashells said...

Hey, "workie man"!
sunscreen, white boy.
I like that hat.
What a colorful view from your own yard all the time.

Gram said...

The first car that my
dad had and I remembered was a plymouth like the one in your side picture. It was all grey in color. I enjoyed seeing what it looked like again.